LEET Admit Card 2013: The Lateral Entry Entrance Test
(LEET) conduct for the admission into 2nd year (3rd semester) of various
diploma courses running in the state polytechnics.
LEET conducts by the Himachal
Pradesh Takniki Shiksha Board Dharamshala. LEET
Exam 2013 will conduct on 25th May 2013. Number of applicants
will attempt the LEET Exam. Applicants who will apply against LEET Examination
they are required to admit card for giving exam.
LEET Admit card 2013 will publish in the 2nd
week of May 2013. Applicants must go on the www.hptechboard.com and then go on
the admit card link which provides in the announcement panel. Applicants can
download their admit card by entering some important details.
to download the LEET Admit Card 2013?
must go on the www.hptechboard.com.
go on the admit card link which provides in the announcement panel.
admit card page will be opened. Applicants submitting mandatory details and get
their admit card for LEET exam.
are advised to keep safe their LEET exam
admit card 2013.
LEET Counselling Date: LEET
Exam counselling process is online mode. Selected students have
to report the institution for the deposit of semester fee and the verification
of documents.
LEET Online Schedule 2013: LEET document verification will start from
20th June 2013 for admission to 2nd year diploma courses
under Lateral Entry Entrance test. 1st round of counselling will
start on 24th June 2013, 2nd round of counselling will
held from 09th July 2013 and 3rd Round of counselling
will held on 25th July 2013.
When LEET exams 2013 admit card will declare we will amend this
page so applicants keep stay in touch with us. Applicants can subscribe our
free email section at http://allcompetitivexam.blogspot.in/ to get all latest notification
about LEET directly in your mailbox.