Narendra Modi Speech: On Sunday, Addressing Bhartiya Janata Party’s national conclave in New Delhi Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi in his speech attacked the Congress party. He gave statement against the government, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, the Gandhi family and so forth. He started his speech by initiated Verbal War with Congress.
During this event He said that the congress party worked only for the benefit of one family.
Narendra Modi Speech in Delhi:
Addressing this conclave meet Modi, praise her party for the victory in Gujarat said that it is the victory of BJP’s thought process and ideology. It is the victory of the people of Gujarat. It is also the victory of the guidance provided by our senior leaders.
Narendra Modi Speech against congress:
Targeting the UPA government he said that the government at the Centre has doomed the country. One wonders if at all there is a government at the Centre. The Congress party does not have it in their blood to take the take the country forward.
He also said that Dynastic politics did not allow Pranab Mukherjee to become the PM. If Pranabda had become PM then the situation would not have been what it is today. The Congress gave the country a night watchman by making Manmohan Singh the PM.